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Dress Code


Appropriate apparel and cleanliness of students is important as a matter of health as well as being conducive to learning. With the rapidly changing styles of clothing, it is impossible to specify everything acceptable for student dress. A good rule to follow is that if there is doubt concerning the appropriateness of clothes for school, DO NOT wear them until you check with your school’s administration.


Dress code violations will be handled through the administrative team in accordance with the discipline policy. Students who come to school dressed inappropriately must change clothes to meet the school dress code before returning to class. This will require the student to call home or select clothing from the clothes closet at PCMS. If there is no resolution, the student will be placed in ISS for the day. Repeated violations of dress code will result in the student not being allowed to wear the clothing which continues to result in a violation of dress code.  This will be enforced.

In order to preserve discipline and order in the school and create a proper and safe learning environment, the following dress code will be enforced at all times for all students:

Girls: For girls, dresses, skirts, jeans, shorts, and slacks are appropriate for school wear. For attire regarding length: Shorts, dresses, and skirts shall be no more than one business card (2”) above the knee. Sheer apparel, bare midriffs and /or backs, very low necklines (no cleavage), extremely tight garments, strapless tops, tank tops, and spaghetti straps are not permissible.

  • Leggings Are NOT allowed. Skin-tight pants, such as jeggings, leggings, yoga pants, or flare legged yoga/leggings, etc., may not be worn at PCMS. Undergarments should not be visible at any time.

Boys: For boys, jeans, slacks, shorts, sport shirts, jerseys, and tee shirts are appropriate. Tank tops or sleeveless shirts are not appropriate. For attire regarding length: Shorts shall be no more than one business card (2”) above the knee. Button type shirts should be properly closed, and belts must be buckled and pants must cover undergarments and be worn securely at the hips or waist.  Undergarments should not be visible at any time.

Girls and Boys: No pants and/or jeans may be worn that are ripped, torn or frayed where skin and/or undergarments may be exposed above the knee cap. No racerback tops of any type are permitted. No tinting, streaking, or dying of hair to unnatural hair colors is permitted without administrative approval. Hair must be worn appropriately so it does not interfere with students’ vision or the teachers’ and/or administrators’ ability to maintain eye contact. Contact lenses that alter students’ eyes to unnatural colors/designs are prohibited. No hoods, hats, caps, bandanas, sport headbands, or any head covering can be worn on school campus unless for religious or medical purposes except when approved by administration. No gloves or sunglasses can be worn on school campus. No chokers or bracelets that could be harmful can be worn on school campus. Other prohibited items include: (1) large, long, and /or heavy chains, (2) studded or chained accessories, and (3) sleepwear, including bedroom slippers, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. Shoes must be worn at all times.

No clothing or other displays of suggestive, sexual or profane wording or symbols or advertising of alcohol or tobacco or illegal products will be permitted. Clothing that suggests gang affiliation, non-sanctioned clubs, or racially offensive subject matter will not be tolerated. This also applies to illustrations representing death or violence (blood, weapons, etc.)

Gang related markings or tattoos or any other distraction that is detrimental to the educational environment will not be permitted. Visible drawings/markings are not permitted on student’s skin to include the use of excessive eye makeup.

Any other questionable attire will be handled on an individual basis at the discretion of the administration.

NO visible body piercing (other than the ears) will be allowed. NO nose piercing, tongue piercing, or other facial piercings are allowed. Cosmetic alterations that are detrimental to the educational environment or to the health and safety of the student or other students is prohibited. Band-Aids, facemasks, or any type of covering worn to conceal a nose ring or any other facial piercing is not allowed.


Administration will handle any other questionable dress code on an individual basis. The school administration may adjust this policy at any time during the school year.